April 10, 2006

My new baby girl

I have not had much of a chance to blog lately. I did want to post a picture of my new baby girl borne on March 28. This was taken on day 9. Not much has changed except her cheeks have filled out a bit.

Hopefully she will get her looks and her brain from her mother and her great taste in movies from her father.

Day 9


Congratulations J!!! It's been fun to listen to Chas tell all about it. Even though I don't comment on most of it and I find some of it gross (I hate hospitals and if we ever have a kid they've just better bring in another bed for me!)
posted by Blogger Christian D. at 8:07 AM  
It is a great picture of her. Congrats to you both. She is a beautiful baby.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous at 12:38 PM